Saturday, July 23, 2011

What Motivates You?

My Dear Losers,

I have been a little absent this season, letting several awesome teammates take over a lot of the motivating speeches and helpful hints.  I've learned a lot from you.  Thank you so much!

I'd like to ask you a question as we are winding down this season.  What motivates you?

I found that, when I began trying to lose weight, I never found anything I would stick with, that really worked, until my friend started a Biggest Loser competition.  It was the first thing that worked for me, and I was so happy to finally go from being uncomfortably overweight to being thin and fit!

But as I've continued coaching, trying to help other people do what I did, I've seen varying levels of results.  Not everyone has the same awesome results I had, and, what's worse, I am not having the same results I had in the past.  So obviously the solution isn't just to join a Biggest Loser group.  So what is?

I think the answer here is motivation.  For some, the competition is motivation enough.  The knowledge that others will see our weights every week, the drive to be the first on the list, the "eye on the prize" money--for some, that's enough motivation to make you work hard every day to keep the rules, say no to temptation, get up early and go to bed early, and work!

But that's not enough for others.  After a few months of posting my weights on a spreadsheet, I am no longer bothered by being in the middle or near the bottom.  The drive to be at the top is gone, as is the embarrassment if I go backward.  I think several of us "old timers" are experiencing the same thing.  There needs to be something new to motivate besides the chart or the prize money.

So what is it?  

You'll have to find it on your own, I'm afraid.

I have realized that I had more motivation than just the chart to get my butt in gear at the beginning.  My husband had challenged me to get down to my marriage weight before we had a baby.  Every time I got pregnant, I had not reached that goal.  We had had three children, and I was up 35 pounds from that goal.  This time, I was determined that I would reach that goal before we had a baby.  Every time I ran, I thought about holding my new little one, and it kept me going.  I got excited to exercise or eat healthy, because it would bring me closer to my baby.  Each bottle of water I drank was spurring me onward to my goal.  It even motivated me to say no to desserts, white processed bread and rolls, and even homemade strawberry jam!

I realize this goal won't work for everyone.  It won't really work for me this time, either, since I now have my sweet baby I worked hard for.  I also have an extra 20 pounds.   I need to find new motivation.

Whatever it is you find that motivates you, it has to be something you'd give nearly ANYTHING for.  It has to be what you want THE MOST.  It's the only way you will be able to see great results like those who have shone in these competitions.  Here are some things other people have told me has worked for them.

Janelle--skinny pants.  She took a picture of her favorite pair of skinny pants and hung it on her fridge, so she saw what she was working towards several times a day, especially every time she wanted a snack.  And it worked!  She lost almost 15% of her body fat in 12 weeks!

Lady Rachel--a wedding gown.  She had awesome results last season because she was striving to fit into her wedding gown for a big event.  And even after having several children, it worked!

For many, the goal may just be to have your thighs stop hitting each other when you walk.  For others, the sight of your belly hanging over your pants may be enough to do it for you.  For some, a high school reunion may be coming up, and you'd do ANYTHING to look good for the old crowd of friends.  But whatever it is, it's got to be a DRIVE!  It has to be something you REALLY want, enough to sacrifice for it!

A couple other tips:

If you find healthy food and exercise you enjoy, it really helps with reaching your goals.  Even if you have the greatest drive in the world, if the process is drudgery, you probably won't get there.

Also, it REALLY helps to have a teammate.  Someone that will run with you, yoga with you, call and invite you to aerobics or the gym or a 5K.  It's ESPECIALLY helpful if it's also someone you eat with, like a spouse.  I've noticed what a struggle it is to lose weight while being married to a thin man who loves creating decadent desserts.  That's where the motivation comes in.  You have to want it enough to say no to your spouse when he offers you a luscious slice of raspberry cheesecake.

Anyway, there's my two cents.  I've told you the steps to take to lose weight--you can access them any time on my blog --but now you know the real trick is to be highly motivated.  If you have all the ingredients--a great diet and water plan, a great exercise routine, support from a spouse or teammate, and driving motivation--you can't lose!

Or, to put it another way, you'll "lose" big!
